Is there a prize for catching up at the last minute?
Phew, just on the desk at Northampton Square in a bit of a lull, or is this the eye of the storm? Anyway, I'm peddling like crazy to catch up with all the brilliant blogs that you've all created. Breeeeathe, deep then two rounds of 'sun salutations'
Well, that was easy to do and didn't take long to post. Had a lot of fun chosing my backgrounds and style - not sure pink really is my colour - can I have an ironic blog? Very pleased no-one noticed the deep breathing at the desk and least said about the sun salutations, the better.
Well, that was easy to do and didn't take long to post. Had a lot of fun chosing my backgrounds and style - not sure pink really is my colour - can I have an ironic blog? Very pleased no-one noticed the deep breathing at the desk and least said about the sun salutations, the better.